Do we want to win? Then why is it that we’re always losing? No one wants to lose, and yet our side always does. This is not because our enemies have better tactics. Our enemies win because they have cannons and we have M80s. I propose we get to work on building some cannons, preferably out of range of the enemy’s line of sights. We’re in their cross-hairs, you know that, right? This essay is a Strategy Guide on how The New Right can win. This essay is not going to be about what kind of politics we ought to have. In fact, it won’t matter what one’s politics are, because if you take this strategy to heart, you will win. Bleeding Heart or Bolshevik, NeoCon or BrownShirt - if you adopt this strategy you will win.
Part 1 - Collapse of Institutional Trust
Look around you, who do you trust? Do you trust your best friend? Siblings? Your parents? Those are the people you ought to trust; well, most of the time, anyway. Do you trust Google or Microsoft? What about Amazon? Do you trust the major media companies? CNN, MSNBC, or FOX? Do you trust the NIH, or the CDC? What about the WHO? Do you even trust the scientific method anymore? Is there a journalist you firmly believe always tells it like it is? A politician who isn’t crooked? Are you surrounded by snake oil salesmen? It sure seems like it. What about nutritionists and dietitians? The FDA? The same people that came up the food pyramid? Give me a break.
I have little interest in whether or not one *ought to* trust these institutions. Because the reality is, whether we ought to or not, a lot of us don’t. Liberals are quick to bemoan the lack of confidence in institutions, or scream and shout, demand that we “trust the science” or whatever. But that won’t make people trust. People cannot be shamed into trust. They cannot be coerced into trust, either. The simple fact is, people are losing faith in things there are *supposed* to have faith in. I say they are *supposed* to in the sense that a healthy civilization isn’t a hyper skeptical one. No amount of whining, or mandates, or fact-checkers, or even social engineering disguised as education is ever going to solve the deep, centuries-in-the-making rot that we are finally starting to smell now. Do you smell the rot? The decay? I do. We don’t trust institutions because we can smell them putrefying. It’s an almost constant aroma now. You can’t fix this. It doesn’t matter how much you *want* people to accept the science, believe their professors, and never doubt Walter Cronkite. Growing numbers of Americans simply don’t anymore. There is no way to get the genie back in the bottle. It. Is. Over. The distrust is only going to continue to snowball, indefinitely. Everything Liberals fear is true and that is a very very good thing.
Violent alienation towards every institution in American society is giving rise to what many have dubbed a “post-truth” society. Narratives spread faster than they can be debunked. There is a maelstrom of dizzying news stories that, for average people, it is becoming impossible to know what is true. This fake civilization has failed them time and time again, and like a child who touches a hot stove, they are wising up. The child won’t touch the stove again. The adult will stop tuning into CNN. This is excellent. We will use it to our advantage. If our enemies are panicking because 76% of Republicans don’t believe the 2016 Election was legitimate, our job as dissidents should be to get that number as close to 100% as possible. This applies to every aspect of American society. Here is our message - Stop trusting these Kafkaesque bureaucracies. Stop trusting them full stop. Stop trusting banks. Stop trusting the US dollar. Stop trusting all major media outlets. Stop trusting scientists. Stop trusting doctors. Stop trusting modern medicine. Stop trusting academics. Stop trusting mainstream nutritional science. Stop trusting the food you eat. Stop trusting politicians. Stop trusting journalists. Stop trusting think tanks and NGOs. Stop trusting corporations. Stop trusting the military. Stop trusting the legal system. Stop trusting experts. Stop trusting any department of the federal government. Stop trusting this fake civilization and get as many people as possible to stop trusting it as well. Become an atheist to the New-Pantheon.
How do we achieve this? Propaganda. Right now, there is no better time for good propaganda to do its job. Our propaganda must be acidic - it must melt away what appears solid. The time is perfect to help erode whatever trust is left in these god-awful institutions. Every one of them. Every last one. There is no closing Pandora’s box. There is no way this regime can regain the trust of its subjects. Any attempt to do so is futile. We have one option now - ensure that our narrative comes out on top, because the old one is dying a slow, agonizing death. The ship is sinking, and they are trying to patch the holes. We need to keep making holes.
Thinking about politics like a spreadsheet of facts, figures, and statistics is infantile. It’s even more infantile to think having the “data” on your side matters at all. What you need is a compelling narrative to spin, and the primary one right now for people that despise these ghouls at the top is that they are wholly untrustworthy. A dissident's job is to get as many people to not trust a single thing any institution tells them. They already feel alienated and we need to fuel that fire and give them full justification to feel that way. And that’s what any propaganda campaign should be aimed at. To completely sever whatever faith people have in democracy, the justice system, the financial system, the medical system, the media, etc. etc. etc. They are failing. We will succeed. And we will make them aware of just how badly they failed and how spectacularly we succeeded.
“We do not come with ideology, because our God is the God of nature, and nature always wins in the end. Your antibiotics will lose the arms race against bacteria; your fiscal shell game will keep you rich on paper as the world gets poorer; your sexual decadence will bear no fruit but sterility. You will learn the name of our God, a name that was once familiar, and which has become strange. Our church will not resemble the churches of old, but our men will resemble the men of old, because our God is very old, indeed.” - Zero HP Lovecraft, The New Tlön [1]
Part 2 - EXIT
You can’t go about destroying narratives and pouring corrosive chemicals onto institutions without first having an escape plan. You’ll end up in the chemical burn unit. Remember what I said about building cannons? We have to get out of the way of their cannons first before we start building our own. So get off the battlefield. Retreat. For now.
The last and final right we have is the right to exit. We should think about this soon before they take this right away too. As systems collapse and institutions liquify, new ones are being built. I think it’s safe to say that anything interesting or creative, anything innovative or unique, is by necessity being done outside of The Leviathan’s domain. This is fantastic. What this means for us is that there’s a fortress nearby. It’s just out of range. Our goal is to head for the hills, locate this stronghold, and start improving it. This is where Antifragility comes into play. Anti-fragility means getting stronger the more it is hit. Fragile institutions suffer damage when stricken. Resilient ones are impervious to being stricken. Antifragile ones actually get stronger. Our Stronghold is going to be Antifragile. So are our cannons. Let’s take a look at some ways we can make an Anti-Fragile Stronghold.
Alt-Tech - Getting kicked off of every major media platform doesn’t have to be the black-pill we might think it is. It’s certainly not good, but what the regime is really doing is corralling us into the hands of alt-tech. Odysee is willing to host us and their platform looks and feels fantastic. It could genuinely rival YouTube. Places like Gab are also willing to let us congregate there. Cryptocurrencies are another phenomenal option if we want to be less reliant on centralized currency. Monero, for example, is dedicated to privacy. Swype, when it goes public, will allow for anyone to pseudonymously buy just about anything with cryptocurrency. Crypto currency is often viewed as a get-rich-quick scheme but crypto’s utility is in DeFi.
Homesteading - This has been discussed ad nauseum, and perhaps for good reason. Living off-grid is the quintessential example of self-sufficiency. There is no better way to EXIT than geographically removing yourself from this fake civilization. Homesteading implies learning valuable skills like construction, primitive plumbing, farming, animal husbandry, plant identification, and so much more. Disconnecting from the control grid means the weight of civilization falls on the shoulders of the individual. No easy task. Granted, this task shakes off a lot of dead weight too. It has been said that running off into the woods is cowardice, refusing to face the Leviathan. One year battling mother nature makes the Leviathan look like a bitch. This path is not for everyone, but for those who feel called to attempt this we ought to salute them. Running to the wilderness is not fleeing the Leviathan, it is camouflaging oneself with the hopes of starving it - weakening it. If our goal is fomenting distrust in institutions, this can be done outside the belly of the beast.
Homeschooling - Home-schooling or private-tutoring is the way forward for us. If and when you have children, take them out of the public and private schools, and homeschool them. As the empire decays, so too will institutional trust, and this will pave the way for alienated and disaffected teachers to opt for private tutoring. If we pool our resources with like-minded people, we have a real opportunity to create an ethically and spiritually fulfilling curriculum. Instead of public schools handing out YA garbage our children will study The Iliad. We fear our children will not be properly socialized if the grip of Moloch isn’t fashioned around them, but Moloch’s grip is far more destructive.
Religious Membership - Now is the time to find the name of your God. EXIT is not merely financial departure, nor physical relocation, it’s more than shielding your family from Moloch’s corruption. EXIT must be a spiritual quest. We will no longer worship Secular Saints. Find a house of worship, find a church, find a sacred grove, and find the like minded. We must first and foremost EXIT this profane nightmare. Nothing but ruin can come of us if we allow ourselves to be entranced by humanist idolatry. The only way out of our troubles is back into the hands of the Traditions which have served us for centuries. We must find religious communities that enrich our souls. Submission to a higher power is t.
The above recommendations are but a small part of what our antifragile stronghold might look like. We do not possess a crystal ball - we must build the future together. Any additions to the above list are not only welcome, but encouraged. After we make our exit, we attack from the outside. We continue to erode trust in institutions, and lend our hand to those who have rightfully lost faith in everything they were supposed to have faith in.
Once we’ve left behind these crumbling institutions, we can regain trust in each other. The most radical thing you can do as a dissident, the thing that will make you an extremist par-excellence, is trusting each other and trusting your intuition. (Remember, Modernity is nothing more than an attack on your intuition.) This is how we build new communities, by trusting people and not institutions. There are a lot of highly intelligent people out there who are not connected to these bureaucratic nightmares, and we should start listening to them. We can find them in just about any field - finance, technology, medicine, nutrition, politics, econ, environmentalism, etc. We can start to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. The need for roots is strong. Violent revulsion towards every institution in Civil Society is a valid response to profoundly alienating structures. We have a right to feel alienated, we have a right to be suspicious, but most importantly we have a duty to reject them.
There is an emerging culture that understands this. When you hear the phrase We Are All Gonna Make It, who is the “we” that comes to mind? These are our kin. Trust them in a cult-like fashion. Become a zealot for your tribe. Do so with the confidence and bravado of an Aristocrat.
Yes, we are following a carnivore diet. Yes, we only trust grass fed beef from semi-local farmers. No, we won’t need a receipt because we won’t touch the paper it’s printed on. We avoid micro-plastics and we don’t care if it makes us look weird. We only interpret current affairs through esoteric authors, most of whom were putting pen to paper a couple of centuries ago. No, we won’t take our meds and we don’t need a vaccine, or a passport. We are devoutly religious, even if the world tells us it’s out of style. We like religiosity precisely because it is “backwards.” Yes, we homeschool our children. No, we don’t trust centralized currency. We will abandon your cities. Most importantly, we do in fact trust our allies, and we don’t trust our enemies. Even if our enemies are licensed physicians. Find your allies. Your allies want you to be well-read, healthy, and physically fit. Your enemies want you broke, dead, and sick. If you have the option to ask some fruity professional for answers or your boys, and you pick the fruity professional, you failed the test. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
The more we do this, the more energy we divert from The Leviathan and the less trust we have in all it has to offer. We start building a high trust, tight-knit, mutually reciprocal, insular community that parrots each other, understands each other, and trusts each other. We develop a language, symbolism, dog-whistles, and a universally agreed upon caricature of our enemies. We’ve built an ark that doubles as an echo-chamber.
Distrust institutions. Trust each other. Reject bureaucracies. Build communities. EXIT.
“Among your instincts you will find the longing for strong friendships, that the modern evil tries to snuff out. And they have good reason to try this, because every great thing in the past was done through strong friendships between two men, or brotherhoods of men, and this includes all great political things, all acts of political freedom and power. The modern zoo wants you instead to be a weak and isolated individual.” - BAP, Bronze Age Mindset [2]
Part 3 - Asceticism
The Gospel tells us to turn the other cheek. The Gospel also tells us that when a man takes away our tunic, we are to offer our cloak as well. Let us imagine in this scenario it’s rather cold outside. Give that man your tunic, your cloak too. Then, he can break his limp wrist against your stone-cold cheek when you turn it to him. That’s the importance of Asceticism. Asceticism is nothing more than striving for virtue while refraining from vice - uprooting evil in your soul and planting righteous habits in its place. The Ascetic valiantly follows all that is conducive to spiritual development and rejects everything which would prevent this. “Ascetic” roughly translates to “struggler” or “fighter.” Like the monk confronted by a samurai,
“Monk, don’t you know I could cut you in half and not blink?”
“Samurai, don’t you know you could cut me in half and I would not blink?”
No one ever said Exit will be easy, but one thing it will be is worth it. Exiting this system will be a Herculean task, something only the elect will be capable of. Separation the wheat from the chaff. This is the Evolian Aristocrat of the Soul. Exiting serves an Initiation Rite - something we lack today. And this is why it will require you to harden yourself. You must become an Ascetic in this regard. Asceticism is what our enemy fears most of all, they fear the Ascetic because they are not strong enough to renounce the world. When our enemies proclaim “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” what they are really saying is, “we cannot give up our creature comforts.” That is the subtext of such a phrase. We must do what our enemies wish they could do. Our enemies are too weak, too domesticated to hop off the hedonic treadmill - but we aren’t. So how can we practice asceticism? We are less well off than our parent’s generation, no doubt. This will require us to severely restrict our consumption habits. Our modern form of asceticism is drastically different from that of our ancestors. Asceticism for us would have been considered “the good life” for most of human history. We’ve been pampered for far too long, and now, out of necessity it’s time we un-pamper ourselves. This is the driving force behind our Neo-Asceticism. Austerity is the name of the game.
We will have to learn to become minimalists. If it is not absolutely essential to your development, cast it out of your life. We laugh at the bugmen who spend their measly wages on Funko-Pops. “Not us!” we say, while consuming Funko-Foods and watching Funko-Media. How many in our ranks are still possessed by Funko-Ideologies? What we must do is sell a lifestyle with politics as the chaser. The lifestyle we must sell is a repudiation of Lastmanism. The politics will follow suit. Avoid Funko-pastimes. Engage in this Hell sparingly. Unplug from the machine. Avoid filth and ugliness.
To be an Ascetic in our age:
Frugality is essential. The more money you can put into savings or investments the better. Elements of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement could be useful to us, with modification of course. We’re not interested in early retirement, but financial independence is an essential part of EXIT. This won’t be a glowing endorsement of every part of FIRE, but the scaffolding, the bare bones of this movement appears sturdy. Adjust accordingly to your circumstances. This movement recommends putting away anywhere from 25% to 75% of your income into savings and investments. Whatever you are left with, depending on how much of that money you can afford to live without, you will use to keep yourself alive. Living off of a small fraction of your income is no easy task, but it can be done. This hardship is worth it if you wish to escape. If we take asceticism seriously we can learn to best deal with this hardship. We can let this extreme frugality harden us, foregoing most material desires and focusing on our spiritual development. For most people, this level of minimalism is unthinkable let alone tolerable. But to an ascetic, who can frame his minimalism in terms of a spiritual quest, intolerable circumstances become a kind of ecstasy.
Keep a regular spiritual routine. You are without a doubt better off being religious than non-religious in these times. If you’ve found Catholicism, or Paganism, or Orthodoxy, or Hinduism, or Mormonism, you have overcome the secular hurtle. We can recognize there are irreconcilable differences and we won’t always like each other, but we gave up on the secular world together. We have Exited the materialist paradigm. We are apostates to the New-Religion. It was poison. Now, developing a scheduled and disciplined spiritual practice can only make us stronger. This might include daily prayers, weekly attendance of religious services, meditation, limits on when and what you can eat, dedicated time to read from a holy book, etc. etc. etc. This may also include new limits to your behavior and it is a perfect way to get rid of bad habits. We live in a fast-paced world where religious observance is not given a second thought. Developing a new routine that requires focus, apart from worldly distraction can be difficult in our times. We must meet this challenge amidst all the diversions.
Treat your body as a temple, because it is. “Eating healthy is more expensive'' is a myth. It might be so that eating healthy is harder, especially after decades of addictive sugars, industrial seed oils, and preservatives. We’ve been caught hook, line and sinker. But that’s about to change. A healthy diet can be affordable, especially if we are serious about asceticism. No more Funko-Foods. Our homes ought to be filled with food bought at Farmers Markets wherever possible. Grass-fed beef, raw milk, free range chicken and farm fresh eggs, organic yogurt, kefir, red potatoes, sour-dough bread, raw honey, fresh fish, and bone broth - all good things. Again, if your religious devotion has issues with this, that comes first and you should adjust accordingly. In theory we’re aiming towards ceasing to poison ourselves with the industrial waste they package and sell as food. The other positive aspect about achieving this is it invites us to engage with our community of local farmers and makes us less reliant on the system. Fasting is essential. Fasting is a way to be frugal, a form of religious devotion, and a fantastic way to stay healthy.
If your body is a Temple, make it a strong temple. Talking about going to the gym and getting stronger in right-wing spaces is the definition of speaking to the choir. But still, if you still somehow have not entered the temple of iron and instead choose to sit and home and tweet, after all the encouragement, what are you waiting for? We must be physically fit. We must embody what it means to be healthy. Whether you are overweight or underweight, you need to be exercising and getting stronger. You need to be putting on muscle. Working out 5x a week, if you have never done it before, can be challenging. You must meet this challenge. It is without a doubt difficult to find time to go to the gym on top of a full time job, a regular spiritual routine, a strict diet, and extreme budgeting. Perhaps you have a family too. This is no easy task, which is precisely why it must be done. Without asceticism, without the knowledge that our hardships are a pathway to the divine, this may be impossible. The ascetic mindset brings this into the realm of possibility.
One can add to this list if they so wish, in fact everyone ought to contribute and share their developments. Everything worth having must be built anew - from new ways of doing research, to old ways of doing medicine. To become a modern ascetic is the only way to successfully EXIT. If asceticism is striving for virtue while refraining from vice, then building parallel institutions is our march towards virtue and refraining from vice is us making our EXIT.
“Mayflower’s caulking failed early on, so the passengers were soaked through day and night for the 10-week voyage, overcrowded and violently seasick. The Pilgrims didn’t find a suitable settlement until December 7th, by which time the ground was frozen and planting was impossible. Their scouting party slept ashore in sub-zero temperatures, with wet shoes and stockings that froze to their feet. The rest of the party stayed on board Mayflower all winter and were slowly decimated by scurvy, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.” - Bennett, Pilgrim’s Egress [3]
Part 4 - Summary
The Leviathan is about to devour us all. It does not care about consent. Some have decided they like the Leviathan, they want to be eaten alive and crushed between its razor-sharp teeth. Others seem to think we can convince the Leviathan to not crush us between its razor-sharp teeth (much to the dismay of the Pro-Leviathan crowd). Some think we can tame the Leviathan and use its razor-sharp teeth against our foes. Lastly, there are those who look at the Leviathan and see that the beast is actually pretty worn out. Even if we could tame it, how long before it keels over anyway? What if we just exhaust the thing? What if we create our own Leviathan?
The most important takeaway is this: building our own Leviathan is a community effort. To the adept reader you may have already recognized something within this essay - I have simply formalized what we already do. The goal of this essay was to make conscious what was unconscious. What we’re doing is already working - it’s time we kick it into high gear. This requires everyone involved. What is laid out here must be critiqued, commented on, discussed, improved upon, or even negated. These things can only be done with the help of the brilliant minds who are already in the process of bringing about a new paradigm. This essay is offered up in the hopes that it will serve as a building block for the future. And as a building block, it must be chiseled at, new blocks must be placed around it or on top of it. In the spirit of what’s been written here, I trust you all to take these words and forge something great out of them.
“We do not have to accept this. Outside this longhouse of putrid moralism, a frontier awaits us, a new virgin territory. There are worlds yet to be discovered. Ways of being that do not reduce us to a state of meek, unrelenting surrender. There are portals. Enormous and powerful energies latent in the graves of pre-history, waiting for a hand, a mind, an imagination to retrieve and transform them into the creative spirit that will light a new way forward. It has always been thus, and will be again.” - L0m3z, Passage Prize [4]
Loyalty to this system is faltering. Our goal now is to EXIT the faltering system, hardening ourselves in the process. Once outside the system, we use everything at our disposal to erode loyalty to it.
Sources And A Quick Note About Citations
I don’t cite sources out of some misguided notion of academic credibility. I cite sources because it fosters a sense of community, it engages others, it connects people. I cited Zero HP, BAP, Bennett, and L0m3z as a small but potentially useful form of subversion. In citing your kin, you recognize them as a source of intellectual authority. When we refuse to reference gay academics, we knock them down a rung. From now on, I recommend citations as a means to expand our community, delegitmize outsiders, and foster a sense of authenticity within our community. I have also intentionally avoided MLA formatting simply because I dislike teachers and rigid rules for writing. You should too.
[1] - Zero HP Lovecraft, The New Tlön, The American Mind, 2020.
[2] - Bronze Age Pervert, Bronze Age Mindset (p.85), 2018.
[3] - Bennet’s Phylactery, #12: Pilgrim’s Egress, 2021.
[4] - L0m3z, Passage Prize, A Note from the Editor, 2021